Kigali residents complain of hiked garbage collection fee after the dumping site has been relocated to a place, far away from Kigali city.
The cooperatives which collect garbage around Kigali city have doubled the monthly price from 3000-6000 Rwfbecause of the increased distance,to the current dumping site in Juba-Gasabo district. Formerly the official dumping site was Nyanza-Kicukiro district.
Garbage transportation co-operatives also blame Kigali city council for ceasing to lend them trucks for transporting the garbage.
Meanwhile, people blame the cooperatives for not informing them prior to hiking the garbage collection fees meanwhile; the garbage collectors still defend their cause.
“Some people agree to pay while others don’t but the increase in the price is totally not our fault. We used sector cars which were taken away yet the dumping site was relocated,” said Vestine Mumararungu, a member of Agruni co-operative.
Both co-peratives and residents called upon government to intervene in resolving the garbage dumping issue.
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