Saturday, 12 May 2012

Rwanda | Ngororero: FARG provides basic materials to students

Rwanda Ngororero FARG provides 300x231 Rwanda |  Ngororero:  FARG provides basic materials to students

Students from Association de parents le Development a Ngororero (ASPADE) aided by FARG government organization that helps vulnerable genocide survivors (FARG) had been without mattresses to sleep on at school.
The reason behind the delay is that because beneficiaries are many, first priority was given to students in distant schools where they leave mattresses behind going for holidays, reveals Jean Niwemfura, FARG worker in charge of following up this activity.
Although FARG delayed to give them mattresses, these students (6 girls and 2 boys) confirm that their fellow students were so generous to allow them share their beds with them.
Scholastic materials like 1572 books, 3478 pencils, 150 mathematical sets that were meant for FARG students were found kept at Ngororero district store during inspection but were given to Nine years Basic Education students under FARG care.
Students supported by FARG revealed to the reporter that they have no problem because they are assured of advocacy and school administrators who care for them. 


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