Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Rwanda | Components of a balanced diet meal described

A balanced diet meal should comprise all kinds of food that provide nutrients that a body needs at a go.
Components of a balanced 300x245 Rwanda | Components of a balanced diet meal described
According to Dr. Alfred Rutagengwa the director of ADEPR hospital in Nyamata, a good meal should compose foods from all 7 kinds of nutrients needed by the body.
The first kind is fruits and vegetables which are rich in vitamins and which are very important in a person’s body especially protecting a person against diseases.
The second kind is cereals, Irish potatoes which are also rich in nutrients and can replace other foods and be desirable.
Fatty foods and daily products are also good for the body; sugary foods are also needed for a body to function well and should be part of a balanced diet.
Dr. Rutagengwa went on to explain that there are parts of the body that need sugar so as to operate like the brain that need sugar for strength to keep on working.
“meat, eggs, fish also make a balanced meal as they provide body building nutrients and it is better if one uses white meat instead of red meat like chicken, fish and others.” He said.


Anonymous said...

I would agree that balance diet does not mean that we need only to eat vegetables, we could also eat sweet and fatty foods but we must keep in our mind, we should not consume too much of them. male health

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