Saturday, 12 May 2012

Rwanda | Kayonza: Soy growers gain government recognition

Rwanda Kayonza Soy growers 300x225 Rwanda | Kayonza: Soy growers gain government recognition

François Kanimba, Minister of trade and industry, has asked Mount Meru Soyco Ltd officials, to think about the benefits of soya growers instead of their own benefit.
This was said during his visit to one of the districts that make Eastern Province with an aim of monitoring development activities.
“There is a plan to sensitize residents to grow more soya to feed Mount Meru Soyco Ltd (a factory that makes oil out of soya) but; the factory administration is asked to think about how residents can benefit from working with the factory,” expresses Vice mayor for economic affairs in Kayonza district.
Minister Kanimba asserts that before farmers are encouraged o grow soya, the factory has to make sure that the price they will offer encourages the farmers to grow more.
According to the factory agronomist, a kilo of soya costs Rwf250 compared to maize which is between Rwf250 and 300.Also, one hectare of land yields between 1500 and 2000 tons of soya while the same land can yield 3000 tons of maize.
While it is feared that the big difference might make the farmers to refuse to grow soya, the factory administration plan to wait for the second season because farmers will have to interchange the crops.
Africa Ramba, Factory Director says that once the factory starts its operations, a litre of oil that costs Rwf1200 now might reduce to between Rwf900 and Rwf1000.
It is hoped that Mount Meru Soyco Ltd will be ready in March next year 2013.


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