Census officials in Kirehe District have urged locals to flag cases of being omitted from the census register by informing local officials or those conducting the census elsewhere.
The NISR official charged with Kirehe District, Njamahoro Basile, revealed that census activities are set to come to a close tomorrow (28th August), barring any unforeseen complications.
He further outlined that no major complications had arisen in the counting process, with the exception of a few individuals who initially resisted being counted due to religious beliefs. However, even those eventually relented and were enumerated, after being persuaded of the merits of the census.
The 4th National Census of Housing and Population has been underway nationwide since the 16thAugust, and will be concluded on the 30th if the initial schedule holds.
Preliminary results are expected out by the end of this year, with final results to be published at the tail-end of the year 2013.
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