Friday, 3 August 2012

Rwanda | Gakenke: Land Consolidation Program To Be Improved

Deogratias Nzamwita, Mayor of Gakenke district reveals land consolidation program is going to be improved like how nyakatsi was eradicated.
This was resolved on July 31st 2012 during the farming meeting that gathered local leaders and different stake holders aiming at preparing two cultivation seasons of 2013.
Participants during the meeting Rwanda | Gakenke: Land consolidation program to be improved
Participants during the meeting
Gakenke mayor advised local and agricultural stake holders to put more effort on consolidating lands in the district for the selected crops that is maize, beans, Irish potatoes, wheat and cassava.
In the two seasons, maize will be planted on 15.200 hectares, beans on 19.000 hectares, wheat on 443 hectares, Irish potatoes over 1100 hectares and pineapples on 150 hectares of land.
On Irish potatoes growing, Denys Hagenimana, district worker in charge of agriculture says it might not be easy to get 1100 hectares of Irish potatoes asked by Rwanda Agriculture Board depending on the sectors favorable for this crop.
Mayor Nzamwita adds that cultivation is the pillar of resident’s development so it should be done in a modern way for more yields.
He explains that farmers must be sensitized to use manure and pesticides in order to improve on the productivity.


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