Saturday, 18 August 2012

Rwanda : Muyongwe Sector Leads In Performing Contracts 2011/2012- Gakenke District

Gakenke District Authority has named Muyongwe Sector the number one in achieving 2011/2012 performing contracts with 95percent in 19 sectors of the District, whereas Ruli sector was the 2nd and Busengo sector the 3rd while Mataba, Karambo and Cyabingo sectors became last.
Deogratias Nzamwita addressing the advisory council Rwanda :  Muyongwe sector leads in performing contracts 2011/2012  Gakenke District
Deogratias Nzamwita addressing the advisory council
Deogratias Nzamwita the district mayor thanked these sectors that achieved what they had vowed to achieve in 2011/2012 economic year especially land use consolidation and fighting soil erosion during the meeting of advisory council on the 14th.Aug.2012.
He also appreciated the executive secretaries of sectors that created new projects and the strength they put in building the 12 Year Basic Education schools by renovating and coloring them. He told them to put more efforts in their Reporting system which are brought to the district and in family performing contracts which are still low in almost all sectors.
Other things to be encouraged that were talked about include the security of Sectors’ SACCO and land use consolidation program in hilly areas.


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