Friday, 17 August 2012

Rwanda : Ongoing National Census needs sincere involvement, Officials insist

In the security meeting that brought together residents of Ruharambuga sector and different district leaders early 14th.Aug.2012, local residents were asked to trust and cooperate with the census team during the 4th National Census that commenced on 16th-30th.Aug.2012.
Ongoing National Census needs sincere Rwanda :  Ongoing National Census needs sincere involvement, Officials insist
Florient Habineza an officer in charge of education, youth and sports in Ruharambuga sector who is also in charge of following up the implementation of census in this sector told people that census implementers are simple teachers that have been trusted with the lives of their children. He told them to trust them and give them correct information which he said will be confidential between the person and the implementer.
Residents were told that the questions that will be asked will be the same in the whole country and that’s why they need to answer truthfully without any fear as it is nothing personal.
They further were also told that it is every person’s responsibility to participate in this census and that is because they are all valuable as Rwandan population.
They were told that census will not hinder their daily work as the implementer will have to wake early or wait for the person who will not be at home or come at the appointed time. They were told to record the names of the visitors that spent a night at their places, and people that live in their homes.
They were reminded that the census is not meant to give out support to poor or needy people but it is to know the real information that will be based on while planning for the country towards Rwandans development.


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