Saturday, 11 August 2012

Rwanda : Cultural Promotion Takes Lead In Kamonyi District

m Cultural promotion 300x196 Rwanda : Cultural promotion takes lead in Kamonyi District
After some villages of Kamonyi got Itorero, residents say they learn to love their country, living in harmony, development and to promote culture from Itorero. 

On August 8th 2012 during the event to start Itorero at the village level in Kabugondo cell in Mugina sector, the executive secretary of the sector Jean Marie Vianney Rwiririza with representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture; explained to the residents that the aim of Itorero is to give them opportunity to develop their country without waiting for donors.
Rutwe training intore
Executive secretary of Kabugondo cell and one of the Intore trainers Francois Murenzi revealed to us that residents are thankful and others wish to get training that is normally organized at Nkumba in addition to helping the government to feed themselves during that training.
It is said residents had prepared for this program because every village came with Itorero, poems and praising cows’ names. Amatorero were rewarded where Mataba came first followed by Bihenga.
69 aged jean Pierre Rutwe, who entertained the crowd confirmed he has got an opportunity to train others in dancing and praising cows.
In general, all residents love and participate in cultural activities, and Itorero will emphasize the good tradition to their children.


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