Saturday, 2 June 2012

Rwanda | Kirehe: Parents are urged to care for sanitation of their children

Jean Damascene Kayiranga, Health official in Kirehe district has called upon parents to maintain hygiene since it has become the source of diseases that affect their children.
Jean Damascene Kayiranga asserts that it would be helpful for residents to be clean in whatever they do because cleanliness is the source of life.
Washing hands after visiting the toilet and before eating or preparing food prevents diseases; and so it should be taught to children as a culture, adds Kayiranga.
Kayiranga stresses that protecting children from poor hygiene diseases is respecting their rights in addition to promoting their long good health.
He advised parents to boil drinking water, wash hands and breasts before breastfeeding their babies and not to leave everything for the baby sitters.
Jean Damascene Kayiranga was talking to the members of National women’s Council of Kirehe district, school head teachers and religious leaders.


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