Saturday, 2 June 2012

Rwanda : 1% of MTN Rwanda’s profit is paid back to community

Rwanda The 1 cheque Rwanda : 1% of MTN Rwanda’s profit is paid back to community
The 1% cheque
MTN Rwanda Officials have announced that the telecom giant will be offering 1% of their profit after tax to the MTN foundation in a bid to develop the local community.
Speaking to journalists, MTN Human Resource Manager Marry Ashimwe said that MTN Rwanda exists because of Rwandans, thus whatever it earns comes from them, and thus MTN does not want to enjoy the profits alone.
MTN Foundation is a non-profit organization sponsored by MTN in order to engage into community development especially in the Education, Health and Social development projects.
MTN Rwanda has often sponsored operations at Kigali Teaching Hospital (CHUK) and offered students’ school fees.
MTN Rwanda began its operations in Rwanda in the year 1998 and has since grown to have subscribers totalling to about 3 Million.


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