Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Burera Schools’ Head Teachers campaigning against early pregnancies

The administrations of the schools in Burera district say they are already putting in place the strategies to protect the students from unwanted pregnancies while promoting the quality of education.

The head teachers ready to improve the education quality

The head teachers ready to improve the education quality

These strategies are to stand against the issues of teenager students getting pregnant all over Burera district especially by their teachers.

Burera district is promoting a campaign to discourage teachers who take advantage of the vulnerability of their students and make them pregnant. The campaign states this act as ridiculous and sacrilege that is punished by law.

This campaign calls upon head teachers to always follow up on their students for them not to be abused. “We have elected teachers to take care of girls students. They will always be taking at least one hour in a week to talk to girls and solve their problems, to advise them and to teach them the desired behaviours” says Fausta Nyiramugwera the Director of Studies in Mucaca Secondary School.

Victor Serugendo the director of Kirambo Secondary School and also the chairperson of the Head Teachers in Burera district says the strategies to eradicate unwanted pregnancies in schools include sensitizing bad behaved teachers.

“We will also have to train our students to understand teachers as well as other men that need to have sex with them and report them before time” says Serugendo.

Though a thorough research has not been conducted in the whole district to determine girls that were impregnated in the specific time, Burera district says there are only 8 teenagers that got pregnant.

Most of these impregnated students are from 9Years Basic Education (9YBE) who are day schooling. The mayor of Burera district says “parents need to give much attention to parenting their children and follow up on them to know when they went to school and what time they should be home.”

The head teachers of all Secondary Schools in Burera district met on the 23rd.August 2013 to discuss such issues as well as the promotion of education quality in the district.

Source : http://www.thebasic12.com/2013/08/burera-schools-head-teachers-campaigning-against-early-pregnancies/

Burera Schools’ Head Teachers campaigning against early pregnancies


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