Monday, 26 August 2013

KCT to host ‘3D Comedy Night’ show


Members of Comedy Knights during a past show.

Kigali’s pioneer comedians, the Comedy Knights, are set to perform for the first in what they call a ‘3D’ show, slated for August 31 at Century Cinema.

According to Arthur Nkusi, the Comedy Knights frontman, the ‘3D Comedy Night’  show to be held at Kigali City Tower-based cinema on Saturday, will feature a famous local musician.

“The comedy night show in 3D will feature hilarious comedy skits, one man shows, stand-up comedy and a performance by a famous artiste who we cannot reveal now but we can promise comedy lovers that this will be the ultimate comedy show.”

“We believe we will not face problems of lighting and sound as was the problem is some of the venues we have been using,” Nkusi told The New Times yesterday.

Entrance fee for the comedy is Rwf5, 000 and the show will start at 7pm, with tickets bought at the entrance.

According to Nkusi, the Comedy Knights intends to make Century Cinema their home where they are expected to be performing every two weeks.

The Comedy Knights is a renowned local comedy group, formed in 2010 by Nkusi, Jerome Migisha and Micheal Sengazi. The group has since expanded to 10 members (seven comedians and three on the management team).

The group recently decided to extend its shows to Burundi, Uganda and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

KCT to host ‘3D Comedy Night’ show


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