Friday, 30 August 2013

Gakenke: Grassroots leaders motivated to improve government programs

With the new program of rewarding the best performing village leaders has motivated leaders to work harder to improve government programs like Community work and Mutuelle de santé medical insurance among others.

Grassroots leaders motivated to improve government programs

The village leaders who outdid their fellows on developmental projects in their villages were in the last economic year 2012/2013 rewarded with bicycles, radios, telephones and torches.

A motivated village leader of Mazinga village in Rusagara cell intends to get rewarded with the next team of outstanding leaders through sensitizing people to participate in Mutuelle de santé medical insurance before time.

“I have researched and only 22 families out of 107 families that have not yet participated in Mutuelle de santé. Last June the outstanding village leaders were rewarded and I will work hard on this program to be among the village leaders to be rewarded.”

Mazinga village leader says all families in this village will joined in the Mutuelle de santé medical insurance. “People now understand the importance of having a medical insurance though it was increased up to Rwf3000.”

Tharcisse Ingabire a resident of Mazinga village says she is in the first place now more than before “just because now I understand the purpose of this medical insurance.”

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Gakenke: Grassroots leaders motivated to improve government programs


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