Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Rwanda UN forces decorated

Rwanda UN forces decorated

The United the Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has presented and decorated medals to the Rwanda officers in recognition of their exceptional service under the UN mission for the past eight months.

Raisedon Zenenga, the deputy special representative of the UN Secretary-General for Political Affairs in UNMISS, presided over the event which took place in Juba, the Capital of South Sudan on 23 August 2013.

Zenenga commended the Rwandan peacekeepers for their professionalism, commitment, discipline, maintaining good relations with the People of South Sudan and with the entire UNMISS Staff.

He particularly commended the Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF) peacekeepers for their valuable contribution to restore peace and security in Jonglei State, the duty which was almost impossible before.

The ceremony was attended by senior UNMISS officials, military and police components and members of Rwandan community in South Sudan.  The first Rwandan air force personnel who completed their tour of duty in UNMISS are expected to return home.

Rwandan peacekeepers who have served in the United the Nations Mission in South Sudan have told of their story of success while in the war torn region, of which they have contributed to the community development programmes and social welfare of the people of Sudan.

The Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations for Peace building Support, Judy Cheng-Hopkins, has commended Rwanda defense forces for their role in promoting peace in the world.

Despite the shortages in capacity and funding, President Paul Kagame has also made a commitment that Rwandan forces will be able to intervene on the African continent as a way of restoring peace in Africa.

Source : http://www.uburenganzira.com/2013/08/rwanda-un-forces-decorated/

Rwanda UN forces decorated


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