Sunday, 25 August 2013

Partnership for Peaceful Rural Transformation Project to transform rural area

The Partnership for Peaceful Rural Transformation Project that entails 3 organisations of International Alert, Pro – femmes Twese Hamwe and Urugaga Imbaraga was officially inaugurated in Rutsiro district on Wednesday the 21st.Aug.2013.


This project is expected to promote the local people’s understanding as well as promote the rural areas while solving land related problems among the people.

Gloriose Bazigaga the coordinator of International Alert in Rwanda and Burundi says The Partnership for Peaceful Rural Transformation Project was created after a research in 2012 showed land conflicts and issues take 60% of cases in courts of law and have to be dealt with.

“Our contribution as a peace seeking project is to reduce the land conflicts and help people get to development” says Bazigaga. “People need to know that land is the basis of development and wealth instead of causing conflicts between family members.”

This project intends to solve land issues through sensitization program including local leaders and local people. The project will train land committees members in cells and executive secretaries to be solving these issues.

Fidele Bimeyimana the vice mayor for social affairs in Rutsiro district says this project has come on time to eradicate the land conflicts that are apparent in the district.

“The land issues are most apparent especially due to the fact that land does not grow and the population is always increasing. This project will help people to learn about child spacing compared to the land they own while increasing productivity” says Bimenyimana.

This project will operate for the 3 years in 18 cells of Rusebeya, Murunda, Musasa and Kivumu sectors of Rutsiro district with projects worth Rwf165 million. This project is yet to start operating in Huye, Ngororero and Ngoma district.


Partnership for Peaceful Rural Transformation Project to transform rural area


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