The coordinator for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the department for the research on the social welfare policies commends the government programs to support the poor and the vulnerable.
Rachel Sabates said this towards the end of the last week on the 24th.Aug.2013 during the closure for the training of civil society about the support of the poor and vulnerable.
“In the last 5 or 10 years or so, you would find humanitarian projects in different sectors and ministries. FARG was in a different ministry different from Girinka project yet they all aimed at the same results. This was so until the government put them all in one basket in the Ministry of Local Governments (MINALOC). This deserves to be commended” says Ms Sabates.
Thadee Karekezi the executive secretary of Plat Forme project the forum for the 15 organization of Civil Society in Rwanda says they have over 800 humanitarian projects operating all over the country.
Karekezi went on to explain saying “We were trained on how to participate in the implementation of the Second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS II). This will enable us to keep supporting the poor which is goal of this program.”
Frieda Bera the development strategies coordinator in the Ministry of Local Governments says making known the program to support the poor and vulnerable is their responsibility.
Source :
UNICEF commends government programs
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