The youth in the rwanda Pentecostal Church in Gisagara district intend on participate in the fight against the youth in the district through preaching the word of God. The ADEPR youth are doing so by calling upon all the youth to get saved and start living according to God’s will.
As Patrice Nsengiyumva the representative of youth in ADEPR Gisagara says, the youth in ADEPR Church have prepared a prayers’ gatheirng targeting to save the youth from evil bound of drugs.
Daniel Hategekimana is one of the youth that has been abusing drugs in Rwanza cell in Save sector a cell so popular with the locally made brew known as Nyirantare. He stopped this behaviour that had turned him into a thief after attending the ADEPR youth conference and got saved.
“There is no good thing in abusing drugs, I drank Nyirantare brew all the time and glue for the fun of it. I would then become violent, make crimes and cause insecuroity among the people until I decided to get saved.”
According to Pastor Viateur Ngamije the director of ADEPR in Gisagara district, the main objective to preparing this gathering in Save Sector especially in Rwanza cell was to save youth from crutches of drugs.
“Drugs are the cause of insecurities that are affecting this sectoir and the district in general, we wanted to save the youth as the strength of the nation” says Pastor Viateur Ngamije.
For Alexis Ntizingabo Nkunda the official for social registration and marital statuses in Save sector says “only the sane youth who do not abuse drugs can help the government in its development program. I am grateful to ADEPR for supporting the government in its programs.”
He goes on to say, “we cannot develop the country with the health and lives affected by drugs, the nation needs strong youth rerady to work and develop not who are abusing drugs.”
During this Christian gathering, the Gisagara district ADEPR Youth supported about 30 local youth by paying for them Mutuelle de sante medical insurance.
Gisagara: ADEPR youth in the fight against drug abuse in Save sector
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