Saturday, 21 September 2013

Gakenke to promote professional farming

The District on Wednesday the 18th Sept 2013 officially initiated the LIFAM project (Linking Famers to Markets).

This project will help farmers get entrepreneurship skills and appropriate market for their crop production.


LIFAM workers and local people in a photo session

According to Jean Munyemana the coordinator of the Chamber for Agriculture in the Private Sector Federation, LIFAM project will help to promote professional farming among in the local farmers.

“We intend to change local farmers understanding in their work. Farmers will have to stop farming for their consumption but farm professionally and produce enough for famers’ families as well as the market.”

Munyemana goes on to say this Project will give professional advice to farmers in formation of agriculture based projects to be financed. “This is because farmers in general are usually affected by lack of knowledge in preparation of projects.”


Farmers representatives in LIFAM workshop

 The LIFAM project that will be operational in the next four years create a union of farmers in promotion of professional farming. The project will promote quality and quantity crop production, small scale factories to process the crop produce will also be erected. All these will be achieved through making study trips in other countries to learn from other framers.

Ildephonse Nizeyimana who is in charge of cooperatives in Gakenke district says there are many instances in agriculture sector in this district that can be developed to be more productive. He cited an example of passion fruits and Pineapples that are so productive in this district.

LIFAM Project will be operational for 4 years and it will use about Rwf4 billion funded by the Holland embassy in Rwanda.

Gakenke to promote professional farming


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