Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Rwanda : Kagame, China Premier discuss investment promotion

The two sides hold bilateral talks Photo PPU Rwanda : Kagame, China Premier discuss investment promotion
President Kagame meets China’ Premier, Wen Jiabao, before the two leaders prepared to speak at separate events at the ongoing World Economic Forum (Photo: PPU)
President Paul Kagame on Tuesday held bilateral talks with China’s prime minister Wen Jiabao – with investments top on agenda, on the latest leg of the Head of State’s Asia tour.
The two leaders met on the sidelines of the 6th Annual Meeting of the New Champions at the ongoing World Economic Forum (WEF) in Tianjin, China. President Kagame told the premier thatRwanda would help solidify Rwanda-Africa relations.
Mr Kagame said China’s assistance has enabled Rwanda’s economy to grow – which has translated into improved livelihoods for Rwandans.
Rwanda wants to deepen its relationship with China, as well as strengthen the two countries’ coordination and cooperation on international and regional issues, said Mr. Kagame.
The President is leading a high level delegation of senior Rwandan officials including Finance Minister John Rwangombwa and CEO of the Rwanda Development Board, Clare Akamanzi.
For his part, China’s premier, Wen Jiabao, said his country has been and would continue to encourage Chinese companies to invest in Rwanda. The two countries have witnessed stable bilateral relations, said the PM.
China would like more companies invest in Rwanda, transfer advanced technologies, help train professionals and develop new products and explore new markets, the premier said.
Meanwhile, President Kagame today also spoke on a panel discussing “Championing Competitiveness; What is driving the success of competitiveness champions across the global”, at the World Economic Forum.
Asked what Rwanda is doing to cover the skills gap, President Kagame said outstanding academic institutions like Carnegie Mellon University had opened campuses to provide the necessary skills in information technology and other technical expertise. Companies are coming to take advantage of this development, said Kagame.
The President also said much of what Rwanda has been able to achieve was because of regional integration by strengthening the East African Community (EAC) – bringing together more than 120million people.
“We have learned to overcome challenges as a region than each dealing with their problems separately,” said Kagame.
Back in Kigali, at a health sector conference, it has been revealed that China and Rwanda are the two countries that use public and private contributions to acquire high social health protection coverage.



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