Sunday, 2 September 2012

Rwanda: Japan pledges assistance to Rwanda

Rwanda Japan pledges assistance to Rwanda
Despite allegations of Rwanda linking with the Congolese rebel Movement M23 that resulted in some donor countries delay or cut aid to Rwanda, Japan has remained committed in supporting the government of Rwanda’s especially through Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS).
This August 2012 Rwanda and Japan met for their 9th annual dialogue during which both parties provided opportunity for both countries to evaluate the status of ongoing project and look at new projects for the future.
At the forum both countries discussed various issues including the progress of the execution of different projects and explored new areas of future Japanese assistance strategy for Rwanda.
In his statement, Ambassador Ben Rutsinga, on behalf of the Rwandan government appreciated the initiative made by both parties of holding a forum in a bid to develop common understanding on a number of issues that pending to the bilateral cooperation existing between Japan and Rwanda.
He later highlighted the importance of relations between Rwanda and Japan
“Rwanda values much the relation existing between our two countries and appreciates Japanese assistance in very important sectors such as human resource, rural development, industrial, economic and infrastructural development.”
“This annual dialogue helps improve the economic cooperation. The government of Rwanda has achieved many goals in Economic.
Stakeholders briefed and updated participants on Rwanda’s Microfinance Performance; EDPRS II: Roadmap and processes, the status of Japanese Official Development Assistance and Country Assistance Policy and Japan’s cooperation by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency).
The Japanese envoy Kunio Hatanaka said Japan will continue to support Rwanda to achieve its goals through EDPRS and we welcome new projects of Rwanda.
The move Japan expressed by Japan comes after `realizing Rwanda’s achievements and pledged Japan’s assistance.


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