Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Conflict Prevention In Africa Is Primarily Africa’s Role – UN Security Council

Conflict prevention in Africa is primarily Africa’s role – UN Security Council
Minister Mushikiwabo chairing the UN Security Council meeting
The UN Security Council under Rwanda’s presidency this month convened a briefing on Monday on conflict prevention in Africa where they highlighted that prevention in Africa is primarily the responsibility of Africans themselves.
Council Members recognised the need to address the root causes of conflicts instead of managing the conflicts once they have erupted. The Council said that UN should continue to strengthen the African Union management tools and sub-regional organizations.
This session was attended by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Togo, H.E. Elliot Ohin, Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the UN, representing the Chairperson of the African Union, H.E. Tekeda Alemu, and other Permanent Representatives of the Security Council.
In her address, Rwanda’s Foreign Affairs Minister Louise Mushikiwabo, outlined the main causes of conflicts in Africa, saying that a legacy of colonial rule, problems of nationality and identity, lack of democracy and rule of law, corruption and poor governance, poverty, foreign interference and the exclusion of certain groups are the key reasons of conflict in Africa.
“Preventing conflicts is possible, provided that these elements are addressed and leaders and stakeholders take their responsibility.”
Beyond identifying root causes, Minister Mushikiwabo remarked that the best initiatives to prevent and manage conflict have emerged from Africa itself and she urged the United Nations to embrace these home grown initiatives.
On the role of international justice in conflict prevention, Minister Mushikiwabo emphasised that “if any country in the world has reason to support a robust system of international justice, it is Rwanda.”
However, she stressed that Rwanda would not support selective justice. An International Criminal Court (ICC) that condemns crimes committed by some and not others.
“We do not believe that the ICC, as it operates today, fulfills a constructive role in preventing conflict. Rather than delivering justice and preventing impunity, the ICC has shown itself subject to political manipulation from outside conflict zones as well between vying factions within them,” said Min. Mushikiwabo.
The Briefing concluded with the Council adopting a Presidential Statement, highlighting conflict prevention tools in Africa.


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