The incidence happened on the evening May 26, 2012, in Nzega cell, Gasaka sector, Nyamagabe district during a get together party was organized by Kirehe seventh day Adventist church. The church members were celebrating the conclusion of a 10 day fasting period intended for spiritual revival.
The group of about 200 people is alleged to have eaten food that was three days old- which is suspected to have been the cause of the complications among the people who participated in the celebration.
Fifteen of the victims were students of Groupé Scolaire Kigeme.
The victims say that after sharing on the meal served at the church party, they developed stomach cramps, headache, and diarrhea. The victims were later hospitalized at Kigeme hospital however has said all the victims are in stable condition.
Dr. Sylvain Habururema, one the doctors at Kigeme hospital said the patients are getting better and their conditions are improving in comparison to the previous moments when they were admitted on Saturday evening, and will be discharged.
Pastor Karinda Alexis, the head of Gikongoro Adventist Pastoral Province, said the church will come up with other means of providing fresh food next time on such gatherings.
The Hospital said so far it has admitted at least 56, while 6 others have been admitted at Kigeme health center and none of the victim has manifested symptoms of a specific disease caused by the incident.
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