Thursday, 14 November 2013

Nyabihu: Irish Potato prices drop


Residents of Nyabihu district have welcomed the decrease of Irish Potato prices from Rwf200 to Rwf100 per kilogram amid the current increase in food prices

The scarcity was caused by prolonged drought that forced Irish potato prices to rise to Rwf200 per one Kilogram and made many homes go hungry or with little food. Nyabihu is one of Districts producing large quantity of Irish Potatoes in the country.

 “Now one kilogram is sold being at Rwf100 with more hope to go even lower,” said farmers in Bigogwe sector.

Innocent Hakizimana an agricultural officer in Bigogwe Sector noted that they expected good harvest because of the training being offered to residents

“People are now more involved in land consolidation and planting a selected crop which is more beneficial to the district”, said Hakizimana.

If no climatic changes and natural calamities, crop production in this district is expected to increase during this season 2014 A, according to the district official in charge of agriculture.

Nyabihu: Irish Potato prices drop


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