Friday, 8 November 2013

Ngororero: Farmers urged to use decomposed manure

Ngororero: Farmers urged to use decomposed manure

Ngororero district farmers were called on to use decomposed manure for fertilizers. The more affordable decomposed manure is expected to help increase crop production.

“The ministry of Agriculture improvised means to decompose the manure and worms to help in that process will be delivered soon,” said Gedeon Ruboneza, the Ngororero district Mayor.

Farmers from all sectors of the district were trained on different ways to decompose the manure, though many have not effected yet.

The manure is made from grass and food remains.

The decomposing programme will be extended to farmers in cells and villages as a way to sensitise residents to adapt to it. Teamed with animal manure, the district expects higher yields.

“Decomposed manure is what we are advising all farmers to take on, it’s cheap, time saving and affordable for everyone,” advised The Minister of Agriculture, Agnes Kalibata.


Ngororero: Farmers urged to use decomposed manure


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