Monday, 5 November 2012

Rwanda | Kabilizi: lack of electricity still a complex problem

Residents of Kabilizi cell in Gacaca sector in Musanze District are worried for spending a long time with no electricity when the Mukungwa power plant that distributes electricity in many parts of the country is built in their cell.
lack of electricity
 These local residents decided to take their problem to their leaders on the Northern Province of Rwanda headquarters on the Wednesday the 30th.Oct.2012 and asked for advocacy that will take them out of the darkness and poverty due to lack of electricity.

This was also said by Emmanuel Nteziryayo the executive secretary of Gacaca sector who said that though Mukungwa plant is built in his sector, people neighboring it have no electricity.
“Three cells in this sector have no electricity including Kabilizi and Gasakuza cells where Mukungwa power plant is located.” The executive secretary explained.
The governor of the Northern Province of Rwanda Aime Bosenibamwe said that it is not fair for people to protect Mukungwa power plant which supplies electricity to other parts of the country yet live with no power and in loneliness.
He promised the local people that he is going to discuss the issue with concerned parties to make sure people get out of darkness and loneliness.
He however asked people to live well, near the roads and to settle in established settlement villages for them to access infrastructure especially electricity.
Gacaca sector administration say that they have achieved 76% of the program of settling people in established villages; they are also set to achieve 100 percent for people to have complete security and access infrastructure.


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