Friday, 22 March 2013

Nyanza: Nyanza hospital workers visit Murambi memorial centre

While Rwanda prepares for the 19th genocide commemoration, workers at Nyanza district hospital on March 15th 2013 visited Murambi memorial centre in Nyamagabe district in Southern Province.
The hospital staff that visited the memorial and contributed say their intention was to better understand how 1994 Tutsi genocide was done leaving the undoubted marks.
After explanations on the genocide, they took a moment to remember between 40 and 50 victims that lost their lives in Murambi sector.
Gertrude Mukakarisa who gave visitors the tour explaining on the history of genocide happened in Murambi  
Gertrude Mukakarisa explains that on the fateful night of March 21st 1994, killers came with pangas and guns and killed people who had been surviving without food and drinks for two weeks.
Nyanza: Nyanza hospital workers visit Murambi memorial centre Nyanza district hospital workers at Murambi memorial
Gertrude Mukakarisa blamed French soldiers for training the killers and providing them with weapons to kill Rwandans who had taken refuge in that place thinking it was safe.
After visiting 24 rooms of genocide victims, Dr Jean Sauveur Uwitonze, Director of Nyanza hospital wrote in the visitor’s book saying: “Lets always remember our dead and restore their respect they lost”.
Dr. Uwitonze, on behalf of the staff gave out Rwf200, 000 cheque to the management of Murambi memorial centre.
Asked on the lesson she learnt from this site, Placidie Mutesi, human resource manager at Nyanza district hospital told the reporter that every Rwandese should strive for genocide never to happen again.


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