This was revealed on May 23rd 2012 during the event to celebrate the achievements.
The celebrated achievements include complete six village administration offices, mutual health insurance coverage, creation of roads and other development activities.
Another cause of celebration was the prize Shyembe cell received from Gihango Sector administration on Labour Day May 1st 2013 for successfully implementing performance contracts.
Concerning medical insurance coverage, Shyembe cell participated 100 percent in 2012-2013 and have so far covered 30 percent of mutual health insurance (mutuelle de sante) in 2013-2014.
The executive secretary of Shyembe cell, Naason Mugiraneza asserts that residents decided to resolve their problems due to good governance.
“To top in performance contracts, we followed advice of our leaders who sensitised us to join model villages. We thank our President Paul Kagame for the livestock that have improved our standards of living,” confesses one resident.
Though a lot has been achieved, residents decry lack of clean water and electricity though EWSA put up poles three months ago.
On the above issue, the mayor of Rutsiro district, Gaspard Byukusenge revealed that the electricity delay was caused by a transformer that fell down due to bad road.
Byukusenge says: “The problem is being worked on and residents will get access to electricity within two weeks time.”
Commenting on clean water crisis, the mayor explained that like other cells, there is a plan to distribute clean water to Shyembe cell residents.
The event that was characterised by eating, drinking and dancing had a theme “Let’s move forward striving for dignity”
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