Thursday, 31 October 2013

Huye: District focuses to improving academic performance in schools


With the aim of improving the academic performance of Ecole Autonome de Butare School-Huye District, the school has been privatized to Imanzi Investment Group (IIG) that is expected to reshape it.

This comes after the school has had challenges like late salary payment to the teachers and mismanagement of funds that led to the poor performance in academics.

IIG revealed to the parents during the event to close 2012-2013 academic year that the academic performance is going to change for the best in the next academic year.

Imanzi Investment Group is a business company established by the National University of Rwanda (NUR) staff. It’s based in National University of Rwanda, Huye City Southern Province and one of Rwanda’s leading investors for private and institutional projects.

Emmanuel Nkurunziza, one of the parents says that they have been elated by the news that Imanzi Investment Group has been put in charge to improve the academic excellence of their school.

Another parent, Pelagie Kankindi says:

“There has been cases of teachers getting salaries in three months time, which discourages them and reduces on their commitment. However with the new measures, the school will be on top in academics. ”

Jean Paul Murekezi, Chief Executive Officer of Imanzi Investment group explains that its not investing but improving the education quality for Rwandan children.

Murekezi highlights : “Our priority isn’t profits but we strive to make our children get the best education and be of great use to the nation.”

Some of the areas that will be worked on are recruiting new and experienced teaching staff, training teachers and renovating old buildings.

Huye: District focuses to improving academic performance in schools


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